Wednesday, September 15, 2010

United States & Freedom

Our family has taken a few days to reflect on our life the past couple weeks. One of the biggest moments of reflection came on September 11.

On September 11, 2001, Sheldon was almost 1 year old, I was at work VERY early at Albertsons and Matt was on the road with his new business. Customers and coworkers began coming in talking about all the confusion and mass destruction that we later learned to be terrorist attacks on our great nation. What a poignant memory for our young family. We were in the beginning stages of so many aspects of our lives and right before us we were watching our world collapse.

Through the past few years we have watched this great nation of ours pull together in ways we hadn't seen in my lifetime and then just as quickly return to destroying ourselves and this land we treasure so much. Our freedoms are being jeopardized every day and in the wake of it we have soldiers, loved ones and friends fighting and sacrificing for us to maintain the freedoms we take for granted every day.

Most of you know that politics and respect for our great nation are common topics around our house. In order to earn his Wolf for boy scouts Sheldon was required to write about why he thinks America is important. It brought my emotions very close to the surface to know how at such a young age he recognizes how great America is.
"America is important to me because we are FREE. We're free to go to any religion. We're able to play any sport. Black and white doesn't matter. You can live anywhere and work any job or go to any school because we have the right to choose.

You don't need to serve a king, emperor or anybody but you do need to RESPECT everybody. We're always FREE to make choices and decisions and no one can take that away. We have GREAT communities and above all we have SOLDIERS who protect us EVERY DAY.

AMERICA is GREAT because we ARE FREE."

1 comment:

  1. Nickole, you have such a great way with words. Well said. Love you.
