Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The 1st Day of School

So once again I'm not right on top of this blogging thing...what do you do.

September 2 was the 1st day of school for Sheldon and Shelby. Sheldon is so excited about starting the 4th grade and Shelby can't wait to get back to her friends and learning.

I sat down with each of them and we talked about goals and thoughts of things they want to happen this year.

This is the 1st year Sheldon actually has letter grades and his biggest goal is to earn straight A's from here through high school! How happy is his mom...Incredibly!! He followed this goal up with being on winning sports teams and knowing that his good grades and hard work on the field will help him reach his ultimate dreams of playing ball professionally. Where did he come from??

Shelby, starting the 3rd grade, says she just wants to get better at math. (She does really well in school, so I guess she just isn't worried about grades! :)) She hopes she can make good friends and keep her friends from last year. She is very excited for music class with her favorite, Mrs. Liz, and getting back to cheerleading and tumbling.

I can't hardly believe I have an almost 10 year old and 8 year old. Time really does seem to fly by. I am so lucky to have them!!
I had to work the 1st day and Matt was out of town...they were so lucky to have Dana step in to play mom for them! :)

Shelby's favorite part of her day was being able to play with Ella in the morning!

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