I know these posts are seeming a little random and completely past due but that's the way I roll.
To be honest this is a post I've put off because it brings tears every time I consider what it is about.
On March 28, we had a balloon release in honor of Leslie, it was such a special moment. A day doesn't go by when we don't think of her and miss her like crazy. I haven't lost a grandparent yet and so there are moments I am completely at a loss for the kids. It's interesting the effect losing a grandparent can have. Every time we say our nightly prayers, we ask Heavenly Father to keep our Grandma Leslie safe and give her a hug for us. So this was a moment for the kids to send their love straight to Heaven for her to know all of their thoughts.
We each wrote a special message to Grandma Leslie and tied it to our favorite color of balloon and sent it off to Heaven. I hope she knows how much we love and miss her every day!!

1 year can change so many things but for this day we remember you and only you.
We love you and miss you!
Until we see you again, we'll enjoy each sunset you send.